Showa Elementary Boosts HyFlex Learning with AI-powered DL30 Distance Learning Tracking Camera

Showa Elementary School shows how DL30 AI auto tracking camera enhances HyFlex learning. Discover benefits for students & teachers & future possibilities in AI-powered education.

This article explores how Showa Elementary School in Tokyo leverages the DL30, an AI-powered remote camera, to create a more engaging and effective hybrid learning experience for both in-person and remote students. As the educational landscape continues to evolve, embracing innovative technologies like the DL30 is becoming increasingly crucial to bridge the gap between traditional in-person learning and the demands of the digital age.

  • Showa Elementary School Affiliated to Showa Women's University
  • .Founded: 1954
    .Location: Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
    .Affiliation: Showa Women's University
    .Student Body: Approximately 655 (as of 2021)
    .Philosophy: Nurturing students full of love, understanding, and harmony, inspired by the founding spirit of "Becoming the Light of the World".

The Rise of HyFlex Learning and Its Challenges

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted educational institutions worldwide, forcing them to rapidly shift to online learning models. While online learning offered a valuable solution for ensuring educational continuity during lockdowns and disruptions, it also presented new challenges. Students attending classes remotely often struggled to feel connected to the classroom environment and their peers, leading to disengagement and decreased learning outcomes.

This is where HyFlex learning emerged as a promising solution. HyFlex, a combination of "hybrid" and "flexible," allows students to choose between attending classes in person or participating remotely. This approach offers greater flexibility for students with various needs and learning styles, while maintaining a sense of community within the classroom.

However, implementing a successful HyFlex learning environment requires careful consideration of several challenges:
• Engagement: Ensuring remote students feel connected to the classroom environment and actively participate in discussions can be difficult.
• Technical Limitations: Traditional video conferencing setups often rely on static cameras, which can make it challenging for remote students to follow the teacher's movements and see details on the board.
• Teacher Training: Educators need to adapt their teaching styles and techniques to cater to both in-person and remote learners simultaneously.


The DL30 Solution: Bridging the Gap in HyFlex Learning

Showa Elementary School, with around 650 students, recognized the need for improved technology to enhance their HyFlex learning approach. Teacher Taro Okuma, a leader in ICT integration at the school, explains, "The pandemic highlighted the limitations of our traditional video conferencing setup. Remote students often felt disconnected from the classroom activities, hindering their learning experience."

Seeking a solution to bridge the gap between in-person and remote learning experiences, the school introduced the DL30, a remote camera with AI-powered automatic tracking. This innovative technology provides several advantages over traditional fixed cameras:

• Automatic Tracking: The DL30 automatically tracks the teacher's movements, ensuring remote students always have a clear view of the instruction. This eliminates the need for the teacher to stay in a fixed position, fostering a more natural learning environment.
• Multiple Tracking Modes: The camera offers "presenter mode" to keep the teacher centered or "zone mode" to focus on specific areas like the whiteboard. This allows teachers to tailor the camera's focus to suit the specific needs of the lesson.
• High-Definition Image: The camera delivers high-resolution visuals, allowing remote students to clearly see written materials on the board, demonstrations, and student interactions.
• Ease of Use: No special equipment is needed for the teacher, and the camera operates with minimal setup. This allows teachers to integrate the technology seamlessly into their existing lesson plans.


Positive Impact on Teaching and Learning at Showa Elementary

Teachers Okuma and Kato have observed several benefits of using the DL30 in their HyFlex classrooms:

• Improved Online Class Quality: Remote students feel more connected to the classroom environment, enhancing their learning experience. They can now see the teacher's movements, facial expressions, and classroom interactions more clearly, fostering a sense of presence and participation.
Teacher Kato shares, "Since using the DL30, our remote students have become more engaged in class discussions. They feel like they're right there in the classroom with us, which makes a big difference in their motivation and participation."

• Increased Teacher Flexibility: Teachers can move around the classroom freely to interact with students, write on the board, or conduct demonstrations, without worrying about leaving the camera's view. This allows for a more dynamic and engaging learning experience for all students.
Okuma explains, "The DL30 allows me to move around the classroom naturally, just like I would in a traditional in-person setting. This helps me connect with my students on a deeper level and create a more interactive learning environment."

• Streamlined Event Recording: The DL30 simplifies recording events like athletic meets or school plays. Traditionally, such events might require multiple fixed cameras and personnel to operate them. The DL30's automatic tracking capabilities ensure all the action is captured, requiring fewer resources and streamlining the recording process.


Expanding Possibilities: HyFlex Learning Beyond the Classroom

The success of the DL30 at Showa Elementary School extends beyond improving the HyFlex learning experience for in-person and remote students. Teachers envision broader applications for this technology, including:

• Open Classes: The DL30 can facilitate "open classes" where educators from other schools can observe Showa Elementary's teaching practices remotely. This allows for sharing of best practices and fostering collaboration among educators across institutions.
Teacher Okuma elaborates, "In the past, hosting open classes often meant inviting educators to visit our school physically. With the DL30, we can now share our classroom environment virtually, allowing educators from a wider range of locations to participate and learn from our teaching methods."

• Personalized Learning: The DL30 can be used to support students who are unable to attend school in person due to illness or other circumstances. By providing a real-time view of the classroom, the DL30 allows these students to stay connected to their learning and participate remotely.
Teacher Kato highlights the potential for personalized learning, "The DL30 can be a valuable tool for students who might need to stay home for short periods. They can still participate in class activities and stay on track with their learning, even if they're physically absent."

• Professional Development: The DL30 can be used to record and share professional development sessions for teachers. This allows for more flexible and accessible learning opportunities for educators, as they can access recordings at their convenience.


Looking Forward: The Future of HyFlex Learning with AI

The success story of Showa Elementary School with the DL30 demonstrates the potential of AI-powered technology to enhance HyFlex learning. By creating a more realistic and engaging learning environment for both in-person and remote students, the DL30 can contribute to improved educational outcomes and a more inclusive learning experience.

As AI technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative applications for HyFlex learning. Here are some potential future directions:

• Enhanced AI Features: Future versions of AI-powered cameras might offer features like automatic speech recognition and real-time captioning, further improving accessibility for remote learners.
• Personalized Learning Analytics: AI could be used to analyze student engagement and learning data captured through the camera, allowing teachers to personalize instruction and identify areas where students might need additional support.
• Virtual Reality Integration: The integration of virtual reality (VR) technology with HyFlex learning environments could create even more immersive and interactive learning experiences for remote students.
By embracing these technological advancements, educational institutions can create HyFlex learning environments that are not only effective but also engaging and cater to the diverse needs of all students.



The implementation of the DL30 at Showa Elementary School serves as a valuable case study for other educational institutions seeking to enhance their HyFlex learning approaches. As the educational landscape continues to evolve, embracing innovative technologies like AI-powered cameras holds immense potential to bridge the gap between traditional in-person learning and the demands of the digital age. By fostering a more connected, engaging, and inclusive learning environment for all students, HyFlex learning has the power to transform education and empower learners of the future.


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