Cheng Gong Junior High School, Keelung

A Profound Bridge of Friendship between Two Sister Schools in Taiwan and Japan

The Nakanoto Junior High School, Japan and Cheng Gong Junior High School, Taiwan interact with each other through AVer’s EVC130P video conferencing camera. The two schools broke the boundaries of distance, creating a persistent friendship and a continued cultural exchange, which has brought both sides closer together.


The Nakanoto Junior High School located in Nakanoto, Ishikawa, Japan and Cheng Gong Junior High School, Keelung, Taiwan established an international collaboration through the formation of a sister school exchange program under the assistance of Dr. Zhen-Cai, Zhou who resides in Japan. Since 1992, students from these two schools have visited each other every year. It has become a regular occurrence for Taiwanese students to fly to Japan to participate in local traditional celebrations and homestays. After years of interaction, the two schools have established a profound sister school friendship.

The Principal of Cheng Gong Junior High School, Mr. Si-Bin, Chen is an alumnus himself. He returned back to his alma mater as a teacher in 1997 and became the principal there three years ago. Mr. Si-Bin, Chen was introduced to AVer’s video conferencing system through interactions with Nakanoto Junior High School. Now, through AVer’s video conferencing system, the two schools can exchange meetings frequently and more conveniently while establishing a cross-border learning environment. These activities help broaden the students’ horizons and deepen their understanding of each other by getting rid of geographical restrictions.

The EVC130P is the market’s new price-to-performance leader, offering businesses, the public sector and schools a uniquely cost-effective full HD video conferencing solution. The EVC130P features real-time full HD video streaming and real-time HD720p content sharing, a PTZ full HD camera, microphone array, sleek UI and compact system design. Moreover, the market leading 3+2 warranty dramatically lowers the maintenance cost afterwards, which translates into astounding ROI. When it comes to point-to-point video conferencing, cloud video communication or system integration, the AVer EVC130P meets the highest standards and is undoubtedly the best choice.

** AVer would like to thank Mr. Si-Bin, Chen, the principal of Cheng Gong Junior High School for his valuable assistance in creating this case study.