Leopoldov Primary School, Slovakia

Capturing Imagination with AVer Visualizers

Teachers and students at Leopoldov Primary School in Slovakia bring greater creativity and depth to learning through the use of AVer flexible arm visualizers.

Embracing Technology with Open Arms

Leopoldov Primary School is a modern, forward-thinking primary school located in the heart of Lepoldov, Slovakia. At present, the school has a student body of over 300 children ranging from Grade 1 to Grade 9. The staff at Leopoldov Primary are continuously in search of new ways to improve their students’ learning experience, particularly through the use of modern information and communication technologies. A key component of the school’s current education technology aresenal is a set of AVer flexible arm visualizers. Teachers and students quickly discovered how smoothly and naturally they could incorporate AVer visualizers into everyday lessons regardless of grade level or subject. From chemistry to biology, geography and mathematics, AVer visualizers give teachers and students at Leopoldov Primary a range of options to increase the creativity and sponaneity of their lessons.

Student-Centered Learning

A simple question was put to a handful of Leopoldov Primary’s more experienced teachers: How do AVer visualizers improve learning in your classrooms? Their answers speak for themselves.

  • Students are able to follow the action in class as it happens, no matter if it is a globe in their teacher’s hands, a classmate’s presentation or a science experiment, and immediately see the results without ever leaving their seats.
  • Students have the opportunity to see real objects such as chemical reactions, microscopic bacteria… even their own hands, all in real time, sparking their imagination.
  • Students can use the visualizer to check the results of their work independently, give a presentation or work together in groups.
  • Students have the ability to operate the visualizer through an interactive whiteboard (IWB) so they can work directly with printed or handwritten text.

Making Class Time Fun Time

Simply put, AVer visualizers are a hit with teachers and students alike. “Pupils enjoy working with the visualizers,” said Mrs. Eva Kuklová, a science teacher at Leopoldov Primary. “Teachers and students work with the visualizer together,” added Mrs. Mária Lišková, a geography teacher at the school. What’s more, many of the teachers at Leopoldov Primary agree that working with AVer visualizers makes their students more interested in new technology and better prepared to succeed in high school and beyond.

AVer would like to thank eTechnology s.r.o. and Leopoldov Primary School for their pivotal roles in creating this case study.